The goal of SEO is to increase your site’s position in search engine response lists when people type key phrases into search engines
You want to make your site more appealing to search engines so that they will give you more traffic when [...]
Another Basic Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Posted by roinah on Wednesday, January 4, 2012
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Module : Managing Page Metadata With Kentico CMS Meta Data
Posted by roinah on Monday, December 26, 2011

What is Search Engine Optimization?
Metadata is used to describe other data. It provides information about the content that it describes. For example a text document may contain information about how long the document is [...]
Organizing Your Website
Posted by roinah on Saturday, December 17, 2011

A couple years ago, when I redesigned Website Promotion Central, I made an important discovery. My intent was only to create a more user-friendly navigation scheme. What I ended up with was a sudden surge in search-engine [...]
6 Reason Why You Should Use Blogspot or Wordpress
Posted by roinah on Saturday, December 10, 2011

Why Blogs? Why Wordpress?
There are many reasons:
1. Google loves blogs. Even more, they love Wordpress (a blogging platform).
Matt Cutts always talks about how great WP is for SEO. Here’s your irst resource: [...]
Researching Keywords
Posted by roinah

Obvious Keywords
The process of researching keywords is still a bit difficult. Although there are tools you can use to help the process, it’s still sometimes a bit more art than science. The best place to start is with [...]
Non Branded Keyword Strategy
Posted by roinah on Friday, December 9, 2011
Most of the advice to optimise your campaigns is to concentrate on the last click methods and are easy to use in your campaign management. Using best practices, to focus on created the most relevant campaign for users. What does this actually mean?Google [...]